Saturday, September 26, 2015

Travel China. Zhanjiajie. Ten Mile Gallery. Gold Whip Stream.

Informations collected from Internet and Travel websites
Photos by GNT

Zhangjiajie Ten-mile Natural Gallery is located in the northwestern part of Sioxigu Natural Reserve, at the foot of Tianzi Mountain.  It is about 5.8 kilometers in length. With a stream flowing through, and the peaks on both sides of the valley shape, it forms natural sculptures. The Herb Collecting Old Man and Immortals Worshipping Guanyin are the most spectacular.

Ten-mile Natural Gallery has picturesque scenery, beautiful flowers and a hundred birds contend in singing. The sceneries in this scenic area have strange shapes. The quartz sandstone peaks hidden in the clouds changes a lot which look like people, God, immortal, forest, birds or beasts.

Herb Collecting Old Man: In the middle of the peaks across the stream, there is a high of about 80 meters stone peak. No matter who watched it will say it like an old man collecting herb. This old man is thin; his head is twined silk handkerchiefs and his shoulder carries a basket of herbs. This attraction is the landmark sights in Ten-mile Natural Gallery, and also is one of the ten superb view of the city Zhanjiajie.

Xiangwang Read Book: There is a stone peak which is divided into two peaks in the gorge. The left stone peak is large and the right is small, specially looking like a reader who is reading a book with keen pleasure. Local people thought it is the incarnation of the Emperor Xiangwang, hence, this attraction got its name.

Monkey Slope: At the end of the gallery, there are jagged rocks of grotesque shapes, green and luxuriant forest, and small groups of hundreds of monkeys gathering here, so called "Monkey Slope".

There are three peaks standing side by side are called the "Three Sisters". You imagine, the left is the eldest sister who is carrying a child. The middle is the younger sister who takes her baby in her arms to look forward to the safe return of her husband. The right peak humps just like a pregnant woman, this is the little young sister.

Located in the east of Zhanjiajie National Forest Park, named after the 380-meter high Golden Whip Rock, Golden Whip Stream flowing from Laomo Gully first to Confluence of Four Rivers then to Suoxi Stream, it finally joins Li river, one of the four rivers in Hunan Province. It flows between steep grotesque peaks and luxuriant trees. Here, the meandering streams, the crystal-clear waterfalls, exotic plants and rare animals co-exist and constitute the extraordinarily beautiful, tranquil and natural ecological environment.
 Golden Whip Stream (Jinbian Stream) is famous for its pristine water, its verdant mountains, its steep cliffs and its serene valley.

Golden Whip Stream is a very deep and quiet winding stream where can be seen many green hills and colorful flora and the song of birds can be heard. The 7 kilometer long stream is one of the most charming features of the scenery of Zhangjiajie.

Photos by GNT.

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